Download I’m Walking with Jesus MIDI
If I walk with Jesus He’ll lead and He’ll guide.
I don’t have to worry. The Lord will provide.
He’ll live in my praises as I walk along.
I’ll walk with my Jesus and sing His new song.
As I walk with Jesus, His voice becomes clear.
His presence, His leading will conquer all fear.
And though I am weak, yet my Jesus is strong.
I’m walking with Jesus and singing this song.
When God speaks, I hear, and He gives me His faith.
His faith lets me enter and yield to His grace.
His grace does His works through me all the day long.
I’m walking with Jesus and singing this song.
I’m walking with Jesus and singing this song.
I walk in His presence and pow’r all day long.
He lives in my praises as I walk along.
I’m walking with Jesus and singing this song.
Since I walk with Jesus my life is a song.
When I’m in His presence He keeps me from wrong.
His Spirit now fills me as I walk along.
I’m walking with Jesus and singing this song.
We’re walking with Jesus and singing this song.
We move as one body. We know we belong.
He’s forming His people who once were all wrong.
We’re walking with Jesus and singing this song.
Copyright Bob and Kathy Stenson, Freeware. Use it freely for the glory of God.