The Kingdom of God

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The Kingdom of God–it is within you and it is at hand.
The Kingdom of God–let us seek it first as God commands.
And let us pray, “Thy Kingdom come.”
The Kingdom, the Kingdom of God.

In the Kingdom of God–the lion will lie down with the lamb.
In the Kingdom of God they will not hurt nor harm in all the land,
And a child will die at a hundred years
In the Kingdom, the Kingdom of God.

In the Kingdom of God, the trees of the field will clap their hands.
In the Kingdom of God, the army of the Lord will take the land.
And a child will play on the viper’s den.
In the Kingdom, the Kingdom of God.

In the Kingdom of God, no flesh can enter in that holy land.
In the Kingdom of God, a Kingdom shall begin that has no end.
And when death is put beneath His feet Christ shall return,
In the Kingdom, the Kingdom of God.

In the Kingdom of God, the saints will rule and reign with the Lamb.
In the Kingdom of God, only truth and righteousness will stand,
And the Saints will rule with a rod of iron
In the Kingdom, the Kingdom of God.

The Kingdom of God.

Copyright Bob and Kathy Stenson, Freeware. Use it freely to the glory of Christ.