Unless the Lord Builds the House He Labors in Vain that Buildeth It

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Unless the Lord builds the house,
He labors in vain that buildeth it.
Unless the Lord builds the house,
He labors in vain that buildeth it.

Let us build His house according to the plan
With His power both to will and to do.
Let us build His house obeying His command.
Let us yield to Him anew.

Unless the Lord sends the man,
They labor in vain when sent by man.
Unless the Lord sends the man,
They have not been sent and yet they ran.

Let us build His house according to the plan
With His power both to will and to do.
Let us build His house obeying His command.
Let us yield to Him anew.

Unless the Lord shows the plan,
The Lord will not honor the plan of man.
Unless the Lord shows the plan,
The natural mind cannot understand.

Let us build His house according to the plan
With His power both to will and to do.
Let us build His house obeying His command.
Let us yield to Him anew.

Copyright Bob and Kathy Stenson, Freeware. Use it freely to the glory of Christ.