
I kneeled in the presence of Jesus.
As I sought His sweet, holy will,
He spoke to my heart in His presence.
He spoke to me, “Peace, now be still. “

He spoke to me there of my calling,
A calling to His holiness.
I knew that this point was a turning.
If I choose His Life, He will bless.

He spoke by His holy anointing,
He spoke during my quiet time.
He spoke through my brothers and sisters
In prophecy flowing sublime.

He said, “I can make you a victor,
As one who can overcome sin. “
He said, “By my blood, I have done it,
And opened the door, so walk in. “

In all of the things where I’ve struggled,
Where often my heart suffered loss,
He let me know He has the power
To overcome these by the cross.

He called me as His overcomer,
If I would just walk in His way.
His way is the way to His power.
If I would walk in it today.

Temptation has buffeted sorely.
He showed me that I’m not alone.
That everyone struggles with weakness,
That all need His life from His throne.

With every temptation we suffer,
We have a full measure of grace,
So we may escape and walk holy,
So we may, through Him, take our place.

If I would but judge myself surely,
I need not be judged later on.
And Jesus showed me that this judgment
Is not my self-condemnation.

The judgment of which Jesus told me,
Is simply to yield unto Him.
To realize my strength is nothing,
That He is the source of all strength.

I asked Him, “Lord, how can I do this?
And walk in Your ways from above? “
He said, “You must yield to my Spirit.”
You need to be filled with my love.”

I asked Him, “Lord, how can I yield?
How can I know this mystery? “
He said to me, “Here, let me show you. “
His love filled my being suddenly.

I gloried there, long, in His presence.
I felt His great love surging through.
His love filled my being completely,
His power from my head to toe.

I found, in the presence of Jesus,
That angers had melted away,
That fears and my bitterness left me.
That night had been turned into day.

And simply receiving His essence,
Had caused such a change in my soul.
What moments before had been lacking,
Was filled with His love and made whole.

Then, later, His presence had left me,
And somehow, I could not remain.
I couldn’t remain in His presence.
His glory, I couldn’t sustain.

I sought Him to know why this happened,
And why I could not keep His glow.
He showed me the Day that is coming
When I will His full glory know.

And till that great Day has come on us.
We’re called to come in, day by day,
By seeking to stand in His presence,
By seeking to walk in the Way.

And so, I then knew that He means it,
And though it takes my breath away,
I’m called to be an overcomer.
But then He had much more to say:

“I have, for you, a higher calling,
That you, a deliverer be.
What I overcome in your being,
I’ll then use to set others free.”

I asked Him, “Lord, how can this happen?
To deliver those, the oppressed?”
To set captives free by Your power,
To cause the accursed to be blessed.

How can I work with You to free them
To walk in Your ways from above?”
He said, “You must yield to my Spirit.”
You need to be filled with my love.”

I asked Him, “Lord, how can I yield?
How can I know this mystery?”
He said to me, “Here, let me show you.”
His love filled my being suddenly.

I gloried there, long, in His presence.
I felt His great love surging through.
His love filled my being completely,
His power from my head to toe.

I found, in the presence of Jesus,
That angers had melted away,
That fears and my bitterness left me.
That night had been turned into day.

And simply receiving His essence,
Had caused such a change in my soul.
What moments before had been lacking,
Was filled with His love and made whole.

Then, later, His presence had left me,
And somehow, I could not remain.
I couldn’t remain in His presence.
His glory, I couldn’t sustain.

I sought Him to know why this happened,
And why I could not keep His glow.
He showed me the Day that is coming
When I will His full glory know.

And till that great Day has come on us.
We’re called to come in day by day.
By seeking to stand in His presence,
By seeking to walk in the Way.

Now Lord, each moment, remind me,
And cause that I might seek Your face,
To always remain in Your presence,
In everything, filled with Your grace.


Copyright Bob and Kathy Stenson