Welcome to By Grace through Faith. Here’s what you can expect from this course:
The classes have a strong emphasis on a personal relationship with Christ and the love, joy, peace, wisdom, and knowledge that flow from Him. Classes are informal and friendly and don’t require printing out material. You can work from a phone, tablet, laptop, or PC. Rather forcing students to memorize canned answers, this course teaches the students how to find the answers. The lessons encourage the students to think and understand using a combination of fun business analysis techniques and the leading of the Holy Spirit. The teacher or parent is encouraged to be there as a coach and mentor.
There are over 80 lessons.
What You Will Need
- A journal to write in
- Pens, pencils, crayons, paints, craft paper, craft supplies, or whatever art supplies you like.
- Post-it Notes
- A timer if you prefer to time the exercises.
You will see a list of possible questions to ask God about. You can ask them all or you can choose which ones you will ask. For instance, you may decide you will only ask five questions.
Become a Kid Influencer for Christ
Become a kid influencer for Christ with your own social media platform by uploading your video as God leads. All along the way, you will create content and post it online.
You will get hands-on experience with several important diagramming and analysis methods that businesses use to understand and solve problems. This is good preparation for future management positions your student may hold. We couldn’t cover every type of management tool, but we’ve included several of the most useful ones. Once you understand these tools, other tools will be easier to understand. The tools you will be using are research, discussion, search engine research, flow charting, mind mapping, affinity diagram (post-it note brainstorming and analysis), use cases, concept mapping, sequence diagramming, and fishbone cause and effect diagramming. While a team of business analysts might spend weeks on one of these diagrams, they can be created in as little as fifteen minutes. You will decide how long you will allow for each exercise. You can find a description of each of these techniques here.
Crafts, Arts, and Activities
You will have various kinds of craft, art, or similar activity to let your creative juices activate. When you turn ideas into visual representation, your understanding is stimulated. Everything starts to make sense.
Memorize by Song
Each unit memorizes two Bible verses using a new method. The students learn the verses by making up song melodies for the verses and then singing the songs. You will compose and sing songs. Everyone should learn to write songs and sing them. The words of your songs will be Bible verses, and you will put music to the words. Then, you will sing the songs. After that, you can record a video of yourself singing your song and post it on your favorite social media. That means the students will compose, learn, sing, record, and post a total of thirty songs by the time they finish this course.
The most important thing is your transformation. God wants to transform you. That’s why Jesus was born, lived a perfect life, allowed the religious people to torture and kill Him, rose from the dead, and ascended into Heaven. God tells you all about His plan through the Bible. You will be taking a journey in 180 lessons that go through all those Bible verses so you can understand them and experience God. Jesus is real, and you can know Him in a real way. He leads everyone who follows Him. Everyone who sincerely and consistently seeks Him finds Him. When He leads you, He changes you. You will never be the same.
Additional Reading
Nine Gifts of the Spirit
Baptism of the Holy Spirit
Growing in Christ
The Real Faith
Your Metamorphosis
How God Will Transform You
The Nuts and Bolts of Being Rational
Real Faith & Reason, Volumes One, Two, and Three
How to Walk in God’s Glory
Exposing the Real Creation-Evolution Debate
Encyclopedia of Logical Fallacies
The Church
Feast of Tabernacles
Who Are You?