Called Together, a Wedding Song

Called Together MIDI

Called together according to God’s plan,
Called together to walk in His ways,
Called together according to God’s plan,
To move at His command throughout all their days.

They have made a solemn promise before God to walk as one.
To be joined in holy union ‘til their earthly walk is done.
This mystery unsearchable is working in their hearts.
And what God joined together, man must never tear apart.

Called together according to God’s plan,
Called together to walk in His ways,
Called together according to God’s plan,
To move at His command throughout all their days.

May they always walk surrendered unto God to do His will,
To be faithful and to make their home a place where God will dwell.
The Spirit of the Lord will give them pow’r beyond their own
That the Lord may pour a mighty blessing out upon their home.

Called together according to God’s plan,
Called together to walk in His ways,
Called together according to God’s plan,
To move at His command throughout all their days.

And although they may be tested keep them faithful to their King.
Let them always lift King Jesus in their home o’er everything.
From glory unto glory let them manifest His love,
So that all may see God’s splendor shining through them from above.

Called together according to God’s plan,
Called together to walk in His ways,
Called together according to God’s plan,
To move at His command throughout all their days.


Copyright Bob and Kathy Stenson, Freeware. Use it freely for the glory of God.