The Christmas Story

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In the country of Judea
In the town of Bethlehem
The Roman censes called them,
Weary pilgrims from near and far.
And three wise men followed the star
And only a few knew the meaning of that day.

Joseph and Mary came also,
And she was big with child.
In a crowded inn’s back stable,
Jesus was born as a child.
And only a few knew the meaning of that birth.
And only a few knew the meaning of that birth.

As shepherds watched their flocks,
An angel chorus sang:
Glory to God in the highest,
Peace and good will to men.
For born unto you a Savior in Bethlehem.
And only a few knew the meaning of His birth.

In the country of Judea
In the town of Bethlehem
Incarnate in flesh, the Savior of men.
His palace a stable, His throne the manger straw.
But Jesus was King, Almighty King of kings.
But only knew the meaning of His birth.
